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Summertime Just Around the Corner


We've enjoyed a beautiful spring here in Escambia County, Alabama.  The cool crisp mornings, the leaves appearing on trees with their bright fresh colors, the colorful flowers popping up everywhere--It's so  rejuvenating to see our world come to life again after winter.

But now our world is transitioning to summertime.  The mornings aren't quite so cool now, and the humidity is returning, too.  The rainbow of flowers continues, and even our pecan trees are full of leaves.

With the trek towards summertime come graduations, vacations, swimming outdoors, and baseball and softball games.  Grilling, picnicking, and road trips--kids and teachers out of school for a well-earned summer break--these are all things we look forward to in summertime.

Enjoy the end of spring during this month of May.  I will soon post tips for summer safety and for enjoying the Memorial Day weekend.

Sheriff Heath Jackson